A Data Hub for the Energy Industry
Enabling Seamless Data Management Around the NAESB ESPI Standard
Written by: Gary Michor (CEO), Screaming Power Inc.
A Data Hub is a center of data exchange that is supported by technologies to interact with endpoints such as applications and algorithms. In the energy industry, data hubs have not been widely considered due to technical, inter-political and regulatory uncertainties. Counter-productive business-to-business (B2B) strategies, operational inefficiencies, outdated security concerns and personnel / departmental protectionism have also created an unwillingness to change legacy systems to technologies that promote the open exchange of energy data. Within the existing energy community, the misunderstanding and misperception on how to manage the unknown has led to the strong opposition to be part of the constantly evolving open internet community and the sharing of data. This has drastically slowed down innovation, collaboration, and cost reduction opportunities in the energy market itself. Data hubs provide new and effective organizational IT frameworks and innovative approaches to technology openness.

The Green Button initiative based on the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) provides an opportunity to explore and implement data hubs which increase the probability of creating new multi-billion dollar interconnected industries within energy markets, if rolled out effectively. The use of centralized and independent hubs provides a standardized layer and interoperable framework for the secure transfer and user data management for Green Button toolsets while supporting the exploration of other digitization approaches for data to be independently managed and monitored continuously around legacy systems.
Why is change needed?
The energy industry needs to be part of the solution for data discovery and data “truth” as there are parties within the sector that need to be the data custodians of reusable information. Worldwide socialization trends through internet-based data sharing have been mainstream for several years. Most people own more than 2 devices connected to the internet of things to collaborate with others. Data hubs for the energy industry can play a role in breaking barriers by facilitating independent and efficient data interaction including testing capabilities, reporting, innovation interoperability and effective user experience opportunities.
Organizational Data islands (data trapped in separate applications that have non-existent or limited external connectivity) and operational ineffectiveness have caused legacy vendor lock-in, and it will only continue to get worse if the true value of this data openness is not understood. A phrase commonly whispered by legacy vendors is “Why should I allow my system’s data to be shared?” Relationships created through years of vendor / customer interaction provide a constant opportunity for existing vendors to play a key part in slowing the evolution of digitization and IT collaboration.
The phrase that is constantly heard by utility personnel is, “Why do others need this data? It is of no use to them and it provides security risks”. It’s clear that the utilities are being influenced by existing vendors with legacy infrastructures, as we often hear these providers stating that data sharing provides no business or strategic value and it reduces the dependence their Utility customers have on them. It is a risk on future revenue generation for their organization because the reality is that Cloud and data access provides secure access to information in most all other modern industry including banking and telecommunications. The question becomes – what is everyone in the energy industry really protecting? Do Utilities really understand what is going on outside in the world around them? How long can this perception be sustained when the ratepayers and the modern world’s lifeline is supported through the distribution of energy.
Technology innovators, industry consultants and building owners need real and factual energy-related data more today than any other time in history, even if it is for other parties to re-use. Our industry needs help from businesses that create value, and it should be the energy user’s choice to say who can help them. By leveraging open application programming interfaces (APIs) and adopting digitization approaches like the Green Button initiative based on the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) standard, centralized and independent data hubs will provide a secure, interoperable framework for the future. The NAESB standard is regulated to roll out in Ontario, Canada by November 1, 2023. This regional initiative in inclusive of approximately 60 utilities and requires bill and meter information to be provided to third parties. This is one of the largest technical implementations in Ontario since the early 2000s. Secure and authenticated data transfer wrapped around the NAESB Standard is required. Data hubs can provide data / user management to sync old and new digitization approaches.
This discussion paper delves into the benefits, challenges, and implementation considerations of data hubs, aiming to assist energy industry stakeholders in adopting and harnessing their true potential in a collaborative way. The information here is derived from lessons learned implementing a testing toolset between utilities and the marketplace and has been produced to generate strategies on how energy data providers (Utilities and others) can better interact with existing and new markets.
What is happening around the Energy Industry?
The energy industry is undergoing a digital transformation driven by increasing demand for reliable and efficient energy services / systems. As a result, there is a growing need for effective data management and seamless / simple user experiences within the energy ecosystem. Data hubs are emerging as a solution, providing a centralized platform for energy utilities, multi-facility utility customers and data innovators to securely manage, store and exchange data collaboratively.
We explore the use of Screaming Power’s Data Hub, focusing on independence while aggregating various legacy datasets and the utilization of open APIs, discovering / managing data anomalies while integrating to a Green Button Toolset as a “Black Box”. We are going to discuss everything around the Black Box but not the Black Box itself as the Green Button Toolset requirements vary depending on the provider used.
This implementation of Green Button Toolsets poses a challenge for utilities because data stored in Customer Information Systems (CIS) is usually incomplete due to the inability to have the digital data from the bill saved after the bill is processed. Meter Operational Data Stores (ODS) and CISs have never been utilized for real time delivery of data. In the Utility industry, these systems have mostly been used for one purpose, to create the receipt to bill the energy customer.
In most cases, legacy utility systems have poor integration capabilities and strategies focused on additional vendor lock-in. A hub strategy to unite data and provide modern secure API access lowers the total cost of ownership, improves flexibility, and increases awareness and interaction with the data itself. Modern user expectations require more efficient use of disparate datasets that will likely remain in separate utility systems. A hub toolset provides an answer to unlock the data while keeping the legacy solutions already in place which can extend their life while still allowing for innovation to flourish through shared data.
Where do we start with Data Hubs in the Energy Industry?
As a starting point, we will outline data hubs, their definition, key objectives, and benefits. To do this, we will identify the primary stakeholders involved in this data hub ecosystem by highlighting their respective roles and actions. The data hub used for our implementation is from Screaming Power and is branded as “Scream Utility”. This data hub was seamlessly expanded within a few months to achieve an independent review of the complete business data flow. This was achieved by studying the utility to the end user / third-party data flow patterns, with the Green Button Toolset “Black Box” to focus on everything around the NAESB standard. There are multiple Black Box solution providers out there. Some are much better than others with more polished user experience features. Creating a tool that can test systems as independent machine-to-machine devices, provides a value proposition to understand where potential issues and concerns are and allows a utility to evaluate the Green Button toolset without building one.
A digital twin framework (virtual replicas of physical assets, systems, or processes that allow for real-time monitoring, analysis, and simulation) was used to create a simulated third-party framework that serves as an indistinguishable digital counterpart so a utility and third-party infrastructure (third party being a company, organization and / or individual that wants and is authorized to receive data from a utility account holder. This could be a larger user, multi building owner, a consultant or a third-party vendor which can include Utilities themselves wanting to use other Utility information.) could be implemented and tested at the same time to manage 2 scenarios of use cases in one implementation. Both systems are managing and collecting billing and metering data.

A high-level design flow diagram - Scream Utility Hubs used for the Green Button Implementation
How can open APIs help interoperability outside the Green Button Toolset?
Most ‘Black Boxes’ have ways to expose data to the parties that are authorized to receive it. There are very few evolved Green Button Toolsets that provide huge value to the many that use and integrate to them. The Black Box we integrated to has been market proven and allow us to focus on the other areas of implementation, which has allowed us to focus on the data ecosystems connected on both sides of the “Black Box”.
Open APIs outside the Black Box played a crucial role in enabling cost effective and speedy system integration in the implementation of the Green Button Toolset. There were multiple data APIs used as legacy system data extraction methods (as required). The significance of open APIs in data management is apparent in the outcome as we explored the importance of standardization and interoperable systems connected to and from Green Button Technologies.
What about Data Management with Green Button?
We need to delve into the details of the Green Button initiative, providing an overview of its purpose and functionality before there is an informed discussion of technology connected around the Black Box. The NAESB ESPI standard, adopted by the Green Button initiative, is a foundation for secure and standardized data exchange but is not the whole solution needed to manage the data. There are specific benefits by adopting Green Button for energy utilities, utility customers and innovators which includes the ability to open new markets through authentication and authorized data exchange. Implementing a data hub with open APIs as a wrapper around a Green Button toolset provides instruments needed to deal with the data before and after it is delivered though the Green Button technology. To interact, hub technology must have the ability to keep up with modern advancements in the real world because technology and data security risk is evolving faster than the NAESBE standard itself.
Through lessons learned from multiple implementations, we can now provide valuable guidance on implementing data hubs within the energy industry, with a focus on utilizing open APIs and integrating the Green Button standard. Through our implementations, we were required to cover design considerations such as integration with existing systems and infrastructure, data security and privacy measures, production and operations after rollout, compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices created by the Ontario Energy Board’s Independent Working Group (which is still active today encompassing thousands of volunteer hours by over 60 individual participants) to ensure Ontario’s Green Button rollout is a success.
Most software vendors tend to focus on a segment of a utility’s business. They intentionally “silo” their systems to reduce their cost and restrict data access as commercial advantages to sell extensions or new versions achieves constant “stickiness” or “lock-in.” Utility companies are often not first-movers in cost-saving IT solutions. Often utility companies have older software systems that pre-date the trend towards open API access because they have been built on a “closed network” philosophy prior to the early 2000s.
Screaming Power had to address these challenges to offer a superior / flexible solution using one IP base that managed all the data required by regulation and best practices. As we understood cultural considerations of the industry, we also looked at mid- and long-term cost implications associated with data hub adoption emphasizing the importance of calculating the return on investment (ROI) for stakeholders (utilities, utility customers and third parties).
Utilities have a fiduciary duty to their customers and as such IT decisions must be made based on cost effectiveness. For Green Button in Ontario, information from the billing system (cost, account holder information, etc.) and information from the metering system (high-resolution energy usage data) are both required. In the case of utilities for which Screaming Power has completed Green Button integration services, their existing systems provide no open API access and furthermore, the product roadmaps (where they existed) did not include attractive integration capabilities. For example, one system offered a proprietary, closed API for significant licensing costs if the utility didn’t use its services offered for a Green Button toolset.
To meet the aggressive timelines of Ontario’s Green Button implementation, the option to upgrade to new systems capable of managing all the required data and providing Green Button services was not realistic and the selection of products capable of this was very slim (based on the new Green Button v3.3 standard requirement) and the real challenge in the market to create best practices for the 60 plus Utilities for easy access and user experience while also adhering to general implementation and software design practices such as discussed in meeting 7 at the Independent Working Group. See slide 22 on slide deck on the Ontario Energy Board Website.
Available flat file interfaces were used to get required data from legacy systems and managed in our hub. From the hub, the data is accessible through our secure, open API and federated access control framework. From the hub, data is securely distributed to the Green Button data custodian. A mobile app and customer web access provide a secure but open pipe to information. This allowed the Black Box vendor to integrate and make production ready their Green Button toolset through our developer testing facility without having to directly interact with us.
The review by multiple system users allowed us to consider their real-world acumen into the practical implementation of our data hub. The flexibility of our technology stack allowed us to evolve our solution on-the-fly, as lessons were deployed successfully for future testing and global IP implementation rollouts from our technology stack.
Data Hub as a Testing Harness
Our data hub has 3 core features sets that provide advantages over other systems – a developer workbench (developer testing facility), an extensive administrative interface and a templated customer engagement portal (secure web / mobile engagement toolset). Data hubs with independent toolsets can serve as a valuable testing harness for system integration and utility/customer system operations. The Scream Utility hub managed evolving independent tests, facilitated efficient process design for data flow and reported on data integrity. The test harness also enhanced system operations and data awareness for both energy utilities, utility customers and third parties at the same time, while the technology architecture was kept in place for future uses in other implementations and/or being used in operations for troubleshooting.
As is typical in projects that involve system integration, extensive testing / retesting was required. Manual testing quickly became cost and time prohibitive, as this this would require extensive work between all parties and allow for misinterpretations of one-off account testing. Tests needed to be repeated several times as fixes and changes were made, resulting in hundreds of repetitions involving billions of data element reviews of bill types and meter information flowing through the systems.

Third-Party Test Bench – Part of The Developer Tool Kit using - Reviews data gaps in bills and meters.
Our test tools evolved to operate as an authorized third party (as defined by the Green Button Standard) connecting the data once the customer has authenticated and authorized third-party access. Conceptually, we are “reflecting” data that we obtain from the Green Button Toolset and comparing that to the original data in our mirrored hubs.
Integration with the Scream Utility Data Hub Architecture to and from the Black Box was used as testing harness for both the utility and the third party. We discovered the fast integration / adaptation of overall data hub architecture was essential because of our one IP philosophy. This involved creating a dedicated testing environment within 2 data hub infrastructures (digital twins) that allows for complete and controlled testing scenarios, data injection and simulation of systems and responses.
Collaboration and feedback loops allowed the hub’s testing harnesses to collaborate between energy utilities and Green Button defined third parties allowing other stakeholders to see and be involved in the system integration and operations processes as required. Our feedback loops enable iterative improvements and continuous enhancements of systems performance and the user interfaces (including third party developer) experiences. By leveraging the insights gained from testing, we implemented optimizations and drove innovation in all systems.
A Data Hub implemented as a Digital Twin for Simulation, Product Development & Research
Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical assets, systems, or processes that allow for real-time monitoring, analysis, and simulation. In the energy industry, digital twins can be created for various assets and systems, including power plants, renewable energy installations, the grid infrastructure including the review of energy consumption and data patterns. We used our Scream Utility framework to create data ecosystems on two sides of the Black Box (the Green Button toolset) to test, implement and rollout.
• A production utility hub that feeds data from the utility
• Third-party hub simulating data management and presentation for a third-party to create and test third party integration as there were no third parties available to do the testing.
• Use existing API developer toolkit. Provided with documentation for third party developers.
• Create an automated toolset to replace manual testing by the Utility.
• Create tools to use depersonalized data. Meeting secure sharing requirements while collaboratively testing and implementing change.
• Create a new Scream Utility vertical called Scream Utility CMD (Connect My Data) to resell or implement for third parties (as shown in the design flow diagram above).
• Create a cradle to grave toolset that provides insights into new use cases for Screaming Power, the utility and third parties / end users of the data.
Both infrastructures were created to review the IT design to manage billing and metering data throughput between a Green Button toolset implementation.
By creating a digital twin, we facilitated collaborative development and research activities within the solution set itself and greatly reduced the time taken by the utility to independently validate the results on the integration itself.
Duplicating data hubs provide a centralized and scalable infrastructure for collecting, storing, and processing vast amounts of data from diverse sources, making them ideal platforms for supporting simulation, validation and implementation.

A Utility Customer Portal and a 3rd-Party Customer Portal using a digital twin of the Scream Utility solution set.
Digital Twins can also serve as platforms for collaborative research initiatives within the energy industry. Screaming Power regularly works with institutions of learning like universities, utilities, and industry at the same time by facilitating data sharing and collaboration between energy utilities, research institutions and technology providers. Data hubs promote collective knowledge generation, foster innovation, and accelerate the development and deployment of new technologies and practices.
Operation Data Store for Energy / Water Data Management
For the first time, utilities will face broad scrutiny of bill and energy usage data (e.g., audit via Green Button Connect My DataTM). Before Green Button, only “delta” readings were thought to be important because of the use case implemented by utilities (create a bill). Accuracy of meter data adequate to provide net readings for billing purposes was all that was required for the utility to operate and charge the ratepayer.
With Green Button bringing additional scrutiny and now utilities need to answer the question, “How complete is my meter interval data?” For the utilities we implemented Green Button services, their meter ODS did not provide sufficiently accurate reporting to answer this recurring question. By testing and creating new reports through our ODS, we found that some external meter data reporting facilities could not distinguish a reading of zero from a missing reading, so the utility was receiving 100% complete figures when in fact entire days of data was being missed. Analysis was able to identify and quantify completeness quickly on an ongoing basis, completing the repeated review of billions of datasets while we continuously tested different meter reading types (5-minute, 15-minute, hourly and monthly readings).
Our operational data store uses a read-optimized signal processing approach that facilitates extremely fast analysis which allows us to build new reporting tools easily. Typical ODS systems are built on RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Our strategy is signal waveform based. For example, individual meter completeness analysis reviewing billions of datasets is generally impractical using a RDBMS but is feasible using our signal processing approach. This ODS approach was critical during Green Button implementation review and testing because the end-user (or their agent) will have easy API access to bill and usage data without any speed degradation. The evolution of our ODS reporting features allowed us to reduce our testing and implementation time by 50% compared to the first implementation we completed and provided others quicker issue response times where they could respond faster to issues to meet the markets and organization’s implementation timelines.
The role of an ODS serving as a centralized repository for storing, organizing, and managing operational data is a driver for the success of our data hub. Because of the flexibility of our hubs, we were able to implement and integrate our ODS that sits within our Scream Utility IP in short order then configure it to meet our newly discovered needs.
Modern ODS are built to evolve with latest technology trends. The ODS is equipped with anomaly detection capabilities that identify outliers, data gaps and inconsistencies. This helps proactively address data quality issues, investigate root causes, and take corrective actions before it is used for operations, reporting, and KPI (Key performance Indicator) management.
Today, our ODS acts as an integral part of the data hub. The ODS consolidates information from various sources and formats, ensuring data integrity, reliability, and accessibility. The ODS becomes the primary source of truth for energy and water data, enabling efficient reporting and analytics for implementation, testing and or operations. Though the use of the data hub using the ODS, we are all now starting to realize the strategic value of data by breaking down the walls of misinformation that the industry has provided in the past.
Though the implementation, we verified that energy and water data management is key. Energy utilities and organizations responsible for data management produce a vast amount of data from diverse sources, including smart meters, sensors, control systems and billing records. Managing and integrating this data can be challenging due to its volume, variety of information and the fact that the data changes in time due to internal or regulatory requirements. Our ODS is specifically designed for data management and delivery. The ODS streamlines processes by providing a cost effective, unified platform for data storage, cleansing and transformation. Detecting anomalies in energy, water and other operational data is crucial for identifying potential issues, ensuring data quality, and maintaining system integrity. Our implementation has demonstrated legacy systems do not do a good job managing data integrity. That is because they were never set up for the digital world outside our closed industry.
• ODS serves as a centralized repository for energy, water, other key data, ensuring data consistency, accuracy, and availability. Simplifies data integration and enhances data governance practices.
• A single source of truth, the ODS streamlines reporting processes, reducing time and effort required for data retrieval, aggregation, analysis. Energy organizations can generate accurate and comprehensive reports while meeting reporting deadlines more efficiently at a lower cost.
• Facilitates data cleansing, normalization, and enrichment processes, enhancing data quality and reliability. By addressing data inconsistencies and outliers, the ODS helps maintain accurate and trustworthy energy information.
• Built-in anomaly detection capabilities, our ODS enables the automated identification of data set anomalies. This allows energy organizations to promptly detect and address data quality issues, ensuring the integrity of their operations and decision-making processes for everyone.
• Integrating with the overall data hub architecture ensures seamless data flow, interoperability, and communications. Our ODS is designed to work in conjunction with other data management components such as data ingestion pipelines, data transformation processes and analytics platforms, to maximize its effectiveness and value and increase the openness of system infrastructures.
In Conclusion
We emphasize the benefits of data hubs, and open APIs for the Green Button initiative. Our collaborative IP stack improves knowledge and increases flexibility while managing effective change management. Scream Utility provides the necessary infrastructure to support the creation of digital twins, facilitates controlled research activities in the energy industry allowing for nonintrusive and collaborative work zones. Leveraging the capabilities of Scream Utility, energy stakeholders can develop accurate digital representations of physical assets, optimize operations, conduct scenario testing, and drive innovation while evolving a digital roadmap for the future.
Data Hubs – Data hubs such as Scream Utility, encourage collaborative research initiatives, enabling industry to collectively address challenges, advance knowledge, and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable / efficient energy IT ecosystem by leveraging tools that make it easier to transition to open data frameworks. Data Hubs also provide a cost-effective transition point for innovation that unlocks more possibilities in the future to take advantage of the changing environment in the energy sector.
Our data hub serves as an independent infrastructure that addresses vendor lock-in and facilitates the mitigation of legacy systems but can also provide increased longevity of existing legacy systems due to its ability to easily integrate and wrap around islanded systems. Screaming Power was able to provide a platform that reduced dependencies on islanded data and overcame many challenges associated with legacy system integration. By providing a vendor-agnostic platform such as Scream Utility, we enhance flexibility and foster innovation while assisting in the reduction of costs for third parties and the Utility.
Potential disruptions and inefficiencies were minimized for operations under different conditions and loads. Testing harnesses helped identify vulnerabilities and potential risks in system and data operations to safeguard data integrity from the Utility and into the third-party systems. Automated testing also greatly reduced time spent by the Utility and, in turn, minimized the use of Utility employee assets.
The Hub facilitated a wide range of testing scenarios and use cases easily. We were able to verify the seamless transfer of large datasets between different systems and stakeholders to manage compatibility. We also depersonalized data so it could be reused by many as part of our commitment to privacy and security. We were able to assess the compatibility and functionality of various systems, applications and devices within the energy ecosystem and provide an evaluation of usability and user experience of customer-facing applications. We also evaluated and stress tested for potential bottlenecks or performance degradation which, in turn, prepared other parties for production readiness and operations. The Data hub infrastructure enables “cradle-to-grave” testing by identifying and resolving integration issues early in the testing phase and allowed us to expand our IP into a third-party focused application. See Scream Utility CMD on our website.
Digital Twin – Our digital twin process was a key asset in our testing and implementation and can be a key asset in evolving infrastructures by creating effective data flow management. System replicas enable comprehensive data-driven analysis, optimization, and predictive system maintenance processes. This IT foundation for building accurate and dynamic infrastructures allowed for a rollout of an Alpha third-party toolset in the matter of a few days, which provided a low-cost framework for evolutionary change and review.
We detected how our twin could be managed in one code base across 2 different system user types that sit on opposite ends of an independent technology block (the Green Button Toolset). We demonstrated how digital twins can serve as foundational components for initiatives in the energy sector using all 3 of our toolsets, templated Customer Portals, administrative interfaces, and developer workbenches.
ODS – By Implementing our own Operational Data Store (ODS) that is specifically tailored for energy and water data management, it brings numerous advantages to the industry. The ODS serves as a centralized repository, enabling efficient reporting processes, quick access to critical information and the identification of dataset anomalies. By leveraging our ODS on top of other technologies, energy and water management organizations can enhance data quality, streamline reporting, troubleshoot and regulate the reliability and integrity of the operational data themselves.
Testing – By utilizing data hubs as testing harnesses in real-life implementations, others can streamline system integration, enhance performance and mitigate risks. The controlled testing environment provided by our data hubs enable thorough validation of data transfer, system functionality, and experiences. Leveraging the testing harness functionality of data hubs contributes to efficient and reliable system operations within the energy industry, ensuring optimal performance and satisfaction.
Vendor Lock-in – With vendor lock-in, challenges prevalent in the energy industry, energy utilities and utility data users often face challenges where systems and access to data become tightly coupled with specific vendor’s technologies or solutions. This can limit flexibility, hinder innovation and create barriers to adopting future / new technologies or transitioning to alternative suppliers. Vendor lock-in usually results in higher costs due to limited competition and reduced negotiating power. Independence through Data Hubs is key, as they act as independent infrastructures that facilitate data exchange and management across diverse systems and stakeholders. By leveraging open APIs and standardized data formats, one can gradually reduce dependence on specific vendors related to change requests and create a more vendor-agnostic and competitive environment for all customers that manage and use the data.
Legacy systems – pose significant challenges in terms of compatibility, scalability, and efficiency. Migrating from legacy systems can be complex, time consuming and costly, often requiring extensive system reconfiguration or replacement. Properly architected Data Hubs like Scream Utility offers a solution for mitigating challenges by providing a central hub that can interface with legacy systems and bridge the gap between new and old technologies.
Open APIs -Standardized data formats, Open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) with testing facilities enable data hubs and allows other to work independently. Data hubs enable the integration of legacy systems into modern architectures, reducing the need for costly system overhauls which can increase the longevity of legacy infrastructures by taking over important aspects that need to be advanced regularly to manage innovation / business opportunities and the increased evolution of cyber risk. Scream Utility provides the flexibility to add or replace components without disrupting the entire system architecture.
Key Factors to Consider – While implementing mechanisms to map and transform data from various formats / protocols, we must ensure compatibility and consistency. There are constant changes needed in an IT framework to implement robust measures to safeguard data integrity, protect sensitive information and comply with regulatory requirements. Governance and Data Ownership needs to be established with clear governance frameworks that define roles, responsibilities, and relationships of data. If you do not have access to your own data, how can you evolve? Digitization is a reality in today’s society and the energy industry is key to resolving many of today’s environmental issues. Accurate and complete data is needed as our energy data provides opportunities for new markets.
There are roadblocks in the existing energy industry framework, but they can be quickly mitigated with effective innovation like Scream Utility.
Note: This is a live document and will be updated as further review and feedback comes in. For feedback please send comments to: wanttoknow@screamingpower.com
Reference Material:
Scream Utility:
Scream Utility Website: https://www.screamingpower.ca/scream-utility/
The Power of Digital Twins: https://www.screamingpower.ca/the-power-of-digital-twins/
White Paper – Scream Utility – Not a Typical Utility Customer Portal: https://www.screamingpower.ca/customer-portal-white-paper/
Case Study – Huge Scream Utility (3.0) Re-Architecture Rollout to 2 Utilities Simultaneously – Utility Case Study https://www.screamingpower.ca/scream-utility-3-case-study/
Green Button on the Internet – Ontario Focused:
The NAESB Energy Services Provider Interface Model Business Practices Information Page: https://www.naesb.org/ESPI_Standards.asp
Ontario Government Green Button Regulation: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r21633
Ontario Energy Board – Green Button Implementation – https://www.oeb.ca/consultations-and-projects/policy-initiatives-and-consultations/green-button-implementation
About Screaming Power Inc.
data platform that connects the energy user with the market, allowing for effective and secure two-way communications to educate, change behaviour and encourage sustainability in a cooperative way. Our extensible Intellectual Property provides a low-cost, secure, digital infrastructure for a self-sustaining Eco-System. Our Scream Utility solution focuses on reducing ‘cost-to-service’ for utilities while driving satisfaction and facilitating the delivery of innovation and engagement (e.g., connectivity to the IoTs).