Digital Solutions for Utilities Their Customers
In 2016 there were 2.5 billion smart phones in the world. Every year there is an increase of smart phones by around .3 billion and the trend is not expected to stop. In 2020 there where about 14 billion mobile devices connected to the internet with a forecast of almost 18 billion devices by 2024. Why are digital solutions important to Utilities and their customers? It’s now the normal way we communicate. Be part of the way people communicate and engage! Discover ways to be an important part of the Digital economy and the evolution of the electrified marketplace! You know it’s the only option to manage your customers’ needs and operational efficiencies. Start today and start smart. Learn what you can do to save you and your customer time and money. Play it safe. Work with the Screaming utility solution that is focused on your needs not the needs of your legacy solution providers. Unlock your utilities digital future.
Looking for standardized mobile interfaces for customer care that can communicate directly with users? We’ve got you covered, Scream Utility by Screaming Power is the perfect solution for utilities looking to digitize their platform for their customers. Scream Utility is a mobile application which integrates on top of the utility’s existing infrastructure and provides their customers with android and ios applications to access, monitor, analyze and conserve energy at their convenience.
Scream Utility

Scream Utility is a Mobile-first Energy Solution that integrates and enhances visualization and customer engagement. It offers a big data infrastructure that can grow with your Utility’s needs. You are no longer locked into legacy systems and single-vendor data management. Scream Utility provides opportunities for cost savings, data sharing and energy/operations management. We have created a unique mobile app, administration and cloud solution that embraces change and allows Utilities to better manage and streamline the digitization of Utility data assets while creating real business opportunities for the future.
Utility Mobile Application - Features
White Labelled
Utility Branded, Start off with a template to save time and money.
Easy Onboarding
Integrate your onboarding, moving or account closing process in the app
Multiple Accounts
Our solution allows customers to add multiple accounts independent of customer type. ex: residential, commercial, industrial
Easy Switching Between Accounts
Ability to easily switch between accounts on-the-fly
24x7x365 Access
Customers can access the information they need at their convenience
E-Billing/ Paperless Billing
Customers can view/email their current and historic bills
Meter Data Analysis
Customers can view their meter consumption by hour and day
Billing Data
Our solution integrates with your billing data to provide your customers with bill information on-the-fly
Time of Use Graph
Integrated Time of Use graph tools with the real-time price per kWh
Tiered Pricing Information
Integrated tiered pricing displays the different tiers and their pricing
Outage Notification & Reporting
Notify your customers about current outages and keep track of past outages. Also Provides your customers with the ability to report an outage as soon as it occurs
User Friendly
Provide your customers with a mobile application that adjusts to the user type and needs. A very user-friendly and interactive user interface to give your customers the best user experience available
Company News & Updates
Inform your customers in your own branded app and provide company news and updates
Twitter Feed Integration
Our solution integrates with Twitter to display the feed in the mobile app
Ai Powered Bill Estimate
We use machine learning to power Ai bill prediction, weather normalization, data management to make data more useful and informative
Feedback Form
Provides you and your customers with an easy way to connect. Direct communications and customer engagement. Questions, feedback outages etc
Weather Data Integration
Our solution integrates with weather data to analyze the environmental factors that affect you and your customer's energy consumption
Mobile Push Notification
Provides utilities with the power to send alerts/news/promotions to mobile devices without your branded app being open
Conservation Tips
Provide energy savings tips and conservation support programs and other information to your customers to educate them on conserving energy
Company Contact Information
Let your customer easily find your contact information and social media links into the application
Payment Gateway Integration
Provide your customers with the ability to pay bills from the mobile app, our solution integrates with multiple payment gateways
Market Data Integration
Our solution integrates with the market data to provide your customers with the latest available information on-the-fly. Great for large energy users
GHG Emission Information
Display GHG information in the application, the app analyzes and displays carbon footprint information using simple to understand conversions. Educate and inform
Price Plan Comparison
Our algorithm tool compares & analyzes the most cost-effective pricing (time-of-use or tiered) to inform your customers when they have choice
Powerful Admin Panel
Our solution includes a powerful administration panel for utilities to view, analyse and manage data interaction, communications and customer interaction. We let you manage the app and third-party data interaction on the fly
Mobile-First Platform
With billions of smartphone users, it is important to cope with the current digital trends, our solution provides your customers with Android and iOS applications or we integrate our mobile-first infrastructure right into your existing customer website
Machine Learning
Scream Utility is backed by state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to provide you and your customers with complex analysis and easy to understand presentment
PDF Bill Delivery
Provides the ability to your customers to export PDF copies of their bills right to their validated email
Excel, XML, JSON Bill Export
Provides the ability to your customers to export their account information in Excel, XML or JSON format
2-Week Usage Comparison Graph
The graph visualizes your last weeks of energy usage day-wise
Historical Usage Graph
The graph visualizes your previous 12 months of energy usage to let them see trends
Request A Demo Now
Scream Utility is a white-labelled mobile-first solution for utilities to provide their customers with a way to view, monitor, analyze and conserve energy, water and greenhouse gas. The Scream Utility mobile app provides Utilities with quick implementation and cost-effective access to a mobility platform for customer engagement.

Screaming Power
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