Green Button Testing / Toolset Services
Our Green Button solutions and services provide Electric, Natural Gas and Water Distribution Companies, their customers and 3rd parties testing, consulting and solutions services to meet market data collection / management needs, regulations (O.Reg 633/21: Energy Data) and Policies such as the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) Green Button implementation.
Our Green Button Tools offer testing harnesses, third-party data management and user portal infrastructures (such as our newly released Scream Utility CMD) and extensive operational and testing tools we have create through lessons learned so the Utility and / or the party accessing information can validate throughput, accuracy, data completeness, data anomalies using proven techniques to discover and help resolve data wholeness issues. Utilities and other parties need not be burdened with ingesting electricity, water and natural gas data and sharing it ‘Downstream’ with others.
We “Black Box” the Green Button solutions and manage the implementation of data access and validation through our tools to engage as an independent resource for the delivery of digitized energy data.
We are here to meet and exceed regulatory requirements and the needs of small, medium, and large Utilities, as third parties require the Green Button data to advance their business capability, enable energy efficiencies, and accelerate the adoption of Green technologies.
The Green Button initiative based on the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) provides an opportunity to explore and implement data hubs which increase the probability of creating new multi-billion dollar interconnected industries within energy markets, if rolled out effectively. The use of centralized and independent hubs provides a standardized layer and interoperable framework for the secure transfer and user data management for Green Button toolsets while supporting the exploration of other digitization approaches for data to be independently managed and monitored continuously around legacy systems.
By combining best-of-breed tools, we assist in meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements and undocumented market / user needs of small, medium, and large entities requiring the aggregation and distribution of digitized energy data to advance their business capability, enable energy efficiencies, and accelerate the adoption of digitization and green technologies.
Step One: Review Data Needs & Manage Dependencies
Review Regulatory / System needs and Use Cases that are required and / or needed to achieve operational effectiveness.
Review all standards that need to be considered including general development / testing and operational best practices.
Step Two: Build and Integrate to Existing Test Harness Tools
Adapt our tools to your unique data needs. This includes identifying the data to be tested, validated and adjusting reports. Note: These are very large datasets, so processes will be developed to automate and build for reuse (for operations and troubleshooting needs) wherever possible.
For Screaming Power, we use our existing IP and adapt it to our Utilities’ or third parties’ needs.
Integrate the testing toolset into your infrastructure.
Step Three: Test & Retest While Adapting The Test Tools To Accommodate Changing Needs.
It is important to be agile with the implementation and rollout to allow for problem solving newly discovered issues. Flexibility of development and testing will be key to a successful rollout and ongoing operations supporting digital sharing and storage.
How the Green Button Toolset Works
Step One:
Third-Party Setup
– Third-Party Registration Form
– Access to Sandbox Environment and Test Data
– Testing and Developing Third-Party Applications
Step Two:
Local Distribution Companies Approval
– Go live approval
– Listing in directory
Step Three:
Customer (Rate Payer) Authorization
– Selection of the third party
– Data sharing authorization form
– Authorization receipt
Step Four:
Third-Party Full Access to Customer Data
– Immediate and controlled data access through dashboard and/or API
– Export data in Green Button and other formats
How To Share Data With Third Parties In A Secure Manner?

- – Adopt a resilient data-sharing infrastructure that enables innovation and energy transition
- – Enable data sharing authorization processes that ensures confidentiality and an provides audit trail of data being used and data already stored
- – Provide secure, controlled data access to third parties and build to accommodate questions being raised about the data. We need to realize that no system is perfect and there are and will always be a need to correct or resend data.
- – Work with people that not only understand Green Button implementation strategy, but assisted in delivering it to many market players.

Flexible Integration
The Screaming Power team has created a flexible data integration process and solution that Ontario Utilities and third parties can efficiently utilize and integrate with their existing business processes and products. Our Green Button toolset for engaging third parties, ratepayers, and the market is capable of achieving the OEB mandated objectives sooner than any other Data Custodian solution in the market. Our team’s Green Button solution supports LDC-specific branding, which enables consistent customer and 3rd party experience.
The Green Button implementation team includes experts who have years of experience integrating digital strategies and customer engagement solutions for utilities and enterprise energy users, offering the Ontario energy marketplace a proven, mature product that satisfies Ontario’s unique requirements. Our Green Button implementation team will facilitate Green Button certification on behalf of LDC so that November 2023 regulatory requirements are met.
Serving the Marketplace
The Ontario Green Button toolset (GBT) and Testing Solution can operate as a stand-alone secure application that does not require integration with existing customer portals. Optionally, the solution can integrate with customer portals for authentication purposes. Screaming Power’s Test Harness supports a Utility’s (LDC’s) ‘Bring Your Own’ CIS and ODS strategy, which allows flexibility and independence not offered by any other solution. Our ODS solution has already been proven to find data issues that the legacy systems have not discovered.
Many LDCs have already started implementing Green Button strategies / solutions and have hit roadblocks/problems. The Screaming Power team is available to help guide LDCs on the optimal technology adoption path to meet their needs and implement a secure, cost-effective Green Button infrastructure. Our Green Button implementation team is the most capable, knowledgeable, and experienced as far as the Green Button standard, implementation, and utility data management. Our implementation team has the only solution that has already integrated more than 1500 third parties in the US with the highest privacy security standards in the market.
Many LDCs plan to adopt the same GBT solution provided by Screaming Power. This cooperative approach will enable them to work together, creating cost and other operational efficiencies.
Please get in touch with us at or Tel +1 833-227-0696 to schedule a free one-hour consultation. Our team is ready to explain why our Green Button solution is the best-in-class.

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